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Ingesting Events

ChatShipper platform events will typically come in through a configured webhook. To serve as a webhook callback processor, use one of the following:

Built-in Express Server

Use bot.start() to start the built-in Express.js server running a webhook callback processor:

const Bot = require('chipchat');

const bot = new Bot({
    token: process.env.TOKEN


Express Middleware

Use bot.router() to integrate ChipChat into your Express app:

const express = require("express");
const Bot = require('chipchat');

const bot = new Bot({
    token: process.env.TOKEN

const app = express();

app.use("/webhook", bot.router());


Alternatively, you can supply the path to the router

const app = express();

..or have the router attach itself to the app

const app = express();
bot.router('/webhook', app);

Http Middleware

For deployment as http/https middleware, use bot.httpMiddleware()

const http = require('http');
const Bot = require('chipchat');

const bot = new Bot({
    token: process.env.TOKEN

console.log('Bot server running at port 3200.');

Raw Ingest

Use bot.ingest(payload) to process the raw webhook payload. Here’s an example Google Cloud Function listening on a pubsub topic:

const bot = new ChipChat({
    token: process.env.TOKEN
module.exports = (event, callback) => {
    const pubsubMessage =;
    const dataStr = ? Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString() : '{}';

    // On any errors below, we'll call the callback without
    // error propagation, as otherwise the event will be retried
    let payload;
    try {
        payload = JSON.parse(dataStr);
    } catch (err) {
        console.log(`Error while parsing data: ${err}`);
        return callback();

    if (!payload.event || !payload.callback) {
        console.log('Invalid payload, missing %s', !payload.callback ? 'callback' : 'event');
        return callback();

    // ingest the payload in your bot

    return callback();